Top Ten Surnames - UK, America and Elsewhere


This page gives the top ten surnames in the English-speaking world by country:

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Ireland
  • America
  • Canada
  • Jewish in America
  • German in America
  • African American in America
  • Hispanic in America
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Jamaica
  • and Barbados.

Click on any surname shown in these lists and the history and genealogy of that name will show.

Top Ten Lists

Top Ten in England* Top Ten in Scotland
1. Smith 1. Smith
2. Jones 2. Brown
3. Taylor 3. Wilson
4. Williams 4. Campbell
5. Brown 5. Stewart
6. Davis 6. Thomson
7. Thompson 7. Robertson
8. Evans 8. Anderson
9. Wilson 9. MacDonald
10. Roberts 10. Scott
Swipe sideways to see full table.
*The numbers also include Wales.
Top Ten in Wales Top Ten in Ireland
1. Jones 1. Murphy
2. Williams 2. Kelly
3. Davies 3. O'Sullivan
4. Evans 4. Walsh
5. Thomas 5. Smith
6. Roberts 6. O'Brien
7. Lewis 7. Byrne
8. Hughes 8. Ryan
9. Morgan 9. O'Connor
10. Griffiths 10. O'Neill
Swipe sideways to see full table.
Top Ten in America Top Ten in Canada
1. Smith 1. Smith
2. Johnson 2. Taylor
3. Williams 3. Scott
4. Brown 4. Anderson
5. Jones 5. Johnson
6. Miller 6. Murphy
7. Davis 7. Miller
8. Anderson 8. Clark
9. Wilson 9. Campbell
10. Taylor 10. Martin
Swipe sideways to see full table.
Top Ten Jewish* Top Ten German*
1. Levy/Levine 1. Miller
2. Cohen 2. Myers
3. Miller 3. Fisher
4. Myers 4. Schaefer
5. Klein 5. Snyder
6. Stein 6. Schultz
7. Kaplan 7. Wagner
8. Katz 8. Hoffman
9. Shapiro 9. Kramer
10. Goldberg 10. Klein
Swipe sideways to see full table.
*Jewish and German in America.
Top Ten African American* Top Ten Hispanic*
1. Williams 1. Garcia
2. Johnson 2. Rodriguez
3. Smith 3. Martinez
4. Jones 4. Hernandez
5. Brown 5. Lopez
6. Jackson 6. Gonzalez
7. Davis 7. Perez
8. Thomas 8. Sanchez
9. Harris 9. Ramirez
10. Robinson 10. Torres
Swipe sideways to see full table.
*African American and Hispanic in America.
Top Ten in Australia Top Ten in New Zealand
1. Smith 1. Smith
2. Jones 2. Wilson
3. Williams 3. Williams
4. Brown 4. Brown
5. Wilson 5. Taylor
6. Taylor 6. Jones
7. Johnson 7. Thompson
8. White 8. Anderson
9. Martin 9. Lee
10. Anderson 10. Walker
Swipe sideways to see full table.
Top Ten in Jamaica Top Ten in Barbados
1. Brown 1. Clarke
2. Williams 2. Alleyne
3. Smith 3. Griffith
4. Campbell 4. Brathwaite
5. Johnson 5. Forde
6. Thompson 6. Holder
7. Clarke 7. King
8. Thomas 8. Williams
9. Henry 9. Jones
10. Reid 10. Jordan
Swipe sideways to see full table.

Written by Colin Shelley

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